Fish's Stock Trading Program is open to Donations!!!
Referencing the design document, in order for the Stock Trading Program to realize any benefits made; the required capital according to the PDT rule must be satisfied. Generous efforts from individuals would allow the program to be functional upon clearing the PDT rule, and ultimately benefiting our members that support the program! There is no requirement to donate as much as $1.00 towards our efforts. Once the required capital is attained, the donation window would be closed as the Stock Trading Program is self-sufficient once the PDT rule is satisfied. Keep up with our Fund-Raising Efforts via The Cool Pool School, which is free to join! Donors can request to be given a Shout-Out in The Cool Pool School or the social media platform (FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) of their choosing!
We plan on using the proceeds of the donations to provide the necessary funding to actualize returns generated by the Stock Trading Program which in turn benefits our Members and potentially community projects! Learn more about the Stock Trading Program by clicking the button below.
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